Case Study

Case study: A transition helps a major auto manufacturer get their quality back on track

Adecco brings productivity and quality to workforce management

3 minutes

April 22, 2022 Adecco

Automotive engineer wearing hard hat, standing, using a laptop.

Our client, one of the world’s largest automobile manufacturers, needed to increase productivity, improve quality, ensure accurate reporting, and deliver on-time payroll processing for their workforce of over 400 associates.

Their previous staffing partner repeatedly made critical errors that impacted their productivity and quality. They were looking for a team who could lead their transition from their current program, make sure associates were paid on time – and provide accurate reporting and record maintenance.

100% Existing workforce transitioned to Adecco; 100% Metrics met or exceeded past performance

Within 5 weeks: We designed a customized project plan and change-management strategy. And we implemented our innovative service delivery model to govern order processing, quality control, and account management. We also instated safety guidelines and jumpstarted associate recognition programs.

Our client was able to monitor usage, quality, and safety metrics, identify trends and forecast future needs, and track improvement initiatives. They were thrilled:

“We attribute improvements in quality and productivity efficiencies directly to the manner in which Adecco is managing the contingent workforce programs.”

Learn more about other innovative programs we’ve built for clients – or contact us today to learn how we can support your team.