
5 reasons to work with an onsite staffing agency

Adecco offers onsite management solutions whenever you need them. But how do you know if it's necessary?

6 minutes

May 12, 2022 Adecco

On a factory floor, an individual in coveralls and a hardhat, leans over a work table with a tablet in their hand

The United States is currently facing the hottest job market in history. With 1.9 open jobs for every unemployed worker, finding the right talent quickly (and efficiently) is becoming more and more of a challenge.

Can your HR team keep up with this tight and unpredictable market? An onsite staffing agency or management team can help.

What is an onsite staffing agency?

An onsite staffing agency is just as it sounds – recruiters work on the ground and alongside your company to find you great talent. Perfect for companies that need a large volume of temporary staff, onsite recruitment (also known as onsite management) experts help you hire a dedicated team to work alongside your existing team. All while you focus on your core work and everyday business needs.

Because onsite staffing agencies work alongside your company, their work solutions don’t end at hiring. In addition to onsite recruitment, these agencies provide comprehensive help with the onboarding process as well as training and managing your contingent labor force.

Many traditional staffing agencies, like Adecco, offer onsite management solutions whenever you need them. But how do you know if this comprehensive service is necessary? Keep reading for the top signs your company should partner with an onsite staffing agency.

5 reasons to work with an onsite staffing agency:

1. You’re not filling positions fast enough

A recent LinkedIn analysis shows that it can take up to 49 days to fill an open position. About half that time (23.7 days) is spent just interviewing candidates. Want to save time and up your efficiency? Work with an onsite management program to streamline the hiring process.

When a manager has an open position, they must split their time across managerial and hiring duties – making it twice as long to hire and to complete important businesses tasks. By utilizing onsite staffing solutions, team leaders can focus on doing their job while hiring experts take care of hiring and interviewing.

Onsite staffing agencies are particularly efficient as they work closely with your organization to understand your business needs. They see firsthand what kind of candidate is the most successful in integrating into your team and, through an extensive candidate database, can deliver a high volume of qualified employees.

2. You’re hiring managers are overwhelmed

With there being one million more job openings than people looking for work, hiring managers are continuing to feel overwhelmed post-pandemic. Using onsite recruiters helps ease difficulties HR professionals are facing in filling so many positions as their worker connections streamline the hiring process.

Onsite recruitment experts, in addition to aiding in finding the right workers, take administrative duties off your HR team. From payroll headaches to managing background checks and screenings, onsite managers can take on stressful paperwork.

3. Your onboarding process is inefficient

Great employee onboarding can improve retention by 82%. Yet only 12% of employees strongly agree that their organization does a great job of onboarding new employees. An onsite staffing agency ensures proper onboarding – and a higher retention rate for new workers.

Hiring doesn’t stop when job offers are signed and neither does onsite management. Because onsite recruiters work so closely with your organization, these hiring experts thoroughly introduce new workers to company culture and make sure they understand the job they were hired to do. This ensures a great fit for new hires all while taking the burden of the onboarding process off your HR team. 

4. Your peak season has changed

Because onsite staffing agencies aid in finding a large number of temporary employees, they are the perfect solution for businesses that have high seasons and need seasonal staff. Thanks to the pandemic, peak seasons now have become more unpredictable, meaning your business could need a large volume of staff on short notice.

Onsite managers not only can aid in finding new seasonal staff but in keeping contact with previous seasonal workers. By keeping a database of employees who worked prior peak seasons, onsite recruitment experts can fill positions faster while knowing the candidate can do the job well.

5. You’re too busy putting out fires

Hiring temporary workers isn’t easy. Managing them is even harder. Even after onboarding you’ll need to keep a close eye on compliance issues, making sure employees follow safety regulations, ongoing training, and more. An onsite staffing agency will take care of all of this for you.

Onsite staffing solutions run the gamut and most agencies will allow you to create tailored programs based on your needs. This way you can leave all the hiring and onboarding requirements to the experts while you focus on your furthering your business.

Partner with Adecco

Adecco’s onsite management program is one of the most practical and productive tools within our repertoire of staffing solutions. Designed specifically for businesses needing a large number of qualified workers, we take the burden of hiring, onboarding, training, and more, off of your team so you can focus on your business.

Our immersive delivery model is complete with technology to track and analyze our performance and productivity. This ensures that your onsite staffing solutions are customized based on real-time data and led by industry experts trained to analyze and deliver processes optimized for your organization.

Want to learn more about our onsite program? Read an overview about what we offer or contact us to see how we can support you.