Under pressure: Understanding the challenges faced by Hispanic workers
Many employers are unaware of the challenges Hispanic workers face.
2 minutes
September 1, 2023 Adecco
The Hispanic American population is by far the biggest minority group in the US today, with 60.5 million people making up 18.9% of the population in 2021. The number of Hispanic Americans is set to grow to an estimated 111.2 million people by 2060.
Now more than ever, employers must pay attention to the growing Hispanic population because families felt the full brunt of the economic downturn sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic. 59% of Hispanic households were impacted by job losses or pay cuts when US economy faltered. Couple this with the fact that Hispanic workers account for over 16% of all frontline employees, and it’s not hard to see how the Hispanic community has long been under pressure in the world of work.
Improving working conditions and making the workplace more welcoming for Hispanic employees should be a top priority for employers. Even small organizational changes can have a noticeable and long-lasting effect on the individuals in your company.
If you’re not sure where to start, then you’re in the right place. Adecco is committed to fostering a more diverse and inclusive workforce. In our whitepaper for Hispanic Heritage Month, we’ll help you better understand your Hispanic employees and set out actionable steps that you can take to boost their success at your organization.