
Adecco talks: Quick quitting, NYC congestion pricing, and manufacturing turnover

Learn about the trends and research we're talking about this month.

3 minutes

December 12, 2023

A worker in a hard hat and coveralls smiles at the camera. They are in a manufacturing floor.

Understanding quick quitting

Why are new hires not standing the test of time?

With less than six months at their company, 62% of new hires plan to leave within three years. Plus, more than half of currently employed workers are actively job seeking.

Why the quick exits?

  • Salary: Job hunters say they’re looking for high salaries instead of positions that fit them
  • Training: Less time spent on onboarding employees leaves them feeling left out of company culture

Graphic reading: Reasons why employees are “quick quitting:” Employees don’t feel included in the culture, Employees don’t know their impact, Responsibilities are not as advertised. Source: Yahoo | Gartner | Gallup

How to resolve these issues. Learn more.

  • Encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Provide support through company-wide initiatives and benefits
  • Emphasize company core values
  • Establish career plans
  • Allow employees to take responsibility
  • Clear job descriptions
  • Honest recruitment conversations
  • Connect hiring and onboarding teams

Navigating congestion pricing

New York City plans to introduce congestion pricing in May 2024.

Congestion pricing in traffic is a system where drivers are charged a fee for using certain roads or areas during peak traffic hours to reduce congestion and encourage the use of alternative transportation.

Many other cities may possibly follow, so businesses should ready themselves for its impact on their future talent pool and current employees.

Graphic of a bus with the words: NYC is projected to charge $9-$23per day to enter or exit parts ofManhattan during peak traffic hours

What companies can do to attract candidates and compensate employees in congestion pricing cities:

  • Promote public transit use
  • Flexible work arrangement and/or remote work
  • Transportation allowance and/or transit pass
  • Compensation adjustment
  • Carpooling and ride-sharing programs

It is highly likely that many candidates will be dissuaded from accepting job offers that do not provide any sort of benefits package to help them with the congestion pricing. This is particularly important for employees in low-paying positions, as the cost of congestion can be equivalent to or even exceed an hour's worth of pay.


Today’s manufacturing turnover and quits

Low manufacturing quits can be attributed to the persistently high prices of goods, which have created job security and financial stability for employees in the manufacturing industry, making them hesitant to leave their current positions.

Manufacturing job posting overview:

  • 3.09 million unique postings, with 8.70 million total postings
  • -43.4% percent change in voluntary quits from January 2020 to July 2023
  • $26.55 median advertised salary
  • 26.6% increase in advertised wage growth from September 2022 to August 2023

Line graph with the headline: Quits in manufacturing have decreased 9.6% since June 2021. The chart shows Total separation, Voluntary, Involuntary, and Neutral quits from June 21 to July 23.

Manufacturing quits have remained relatively low compared to other industries as a percent of total employment and declined 0.7% from the peak in March 2022.


Let’s dig deeper

If you know you’re facing significant staffing challenges – but aren’t sure how to address them – talk to the experts. We can guide you toward the right solution, whether it’s implementing new recruiting strategies to offering career planning and coaching. Reach out to learn more!